Alma’s Followers

People Converted by Alma₁

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Alma’s Followers

Alma’s followers were a group of believers who responded to the teachings and ministry of Alma the Elder in the land of Mormon. Inspired by Alma’s call to repent and enter into a covenant with God, these individuals expressed a deep desire to join the fold of God and embrace a life of discipleship. Alma appealed to their hearts by asking, “if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord?” (Mosiah 18:10). This invitation stirred within them an eagerness to commit, causing them to clap their hands for joy and exclaim their readiness to embrace the path Alma laid before them (Mosiah 18:11).

Gathered at the waters of Mormon, they listened as Alma outlined the conditions and promises associated with entering into God’s covenant. They demonstrated a willingness to bear one another’s burdens, comfort those in need, and stand as witnesses of God continuously (Mosiah 18:8-9). Responding to Alma’s exhortations, they entered into the waters of baptism, formally establishing the church of God. This new church, also referred to as the church of Christ, became a formalized body where individuals who devoted themselves to God through baptism were integrated (Mosiah 18:17).

These followers of Alma exemplified devotion and community, forming a society grounded in principles of service, compassion, and mutual support. They symbolized the early foundations of what would become a significant spiritual movement in the land, demonstrating unyielding faith and collective joy in embracing the teachings of their leader, Alma. Through these acts, they set a precedent for what it meant to be part of the church, with a focus on eternal life and integration into the community of believers through shared actions and commitments.

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