Lamoni’s Household

Lamanites in King Lamoni’s Domain

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Lamoni’s Household

Lamoni’s household, comprising members of his Lamanite domain, experienced a profound spiritual transformation during Ammon’s mission among the Lamanites. Initially known for iniquity and practices contrary to Nephite beliefs, they became the recipients of a remarkable outpouring of the Spirit. This event unfolded as Ammon prayed fervently for the Lamanites, seeking divine intervention to bring a change of heart. The Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon Lamoni’s household, resulting in a scene of overwhelming spiritual manifestations. Filled with joy and thanksgiving, Ammon, King Lamoni, and his household fell to the ground in reverence, a testament to the powerful influence of the divine (Alma 19:14).

Amid this spiritual awakening, the members of Lamoni’s household responded to this newfound presence with fear and reverence. In a unified expression of devotion, they cried out mightily to the Lord. Each individual, save one remarkable Lamanitish woman named Abish, fell to the earth. Abish, who had been converted earlier due to a vision her father had, witnessed the power of the Lord upon her people (Alma 19:16). This pivotal moment marked a significant shift in the spiritual landscape of King Lamoni’s domain, demonstrating the transformative power of faith and divine intervention.

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