Moroni’s Supporters

Covenant-making Nephites

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Moroni’s Supporters

Moroni’s supporters were Nephites who zealously rallied around Captain Moroni, a principal military leader during a tumultuous period of Nephite history. Moroni, known for his unwavering faith and commitment to liberty, sought to unify his people against internal dissension and external threats. When Amalickiah, a dissenter, sought to gain power and subvert Nephite freedom, Moroni raised the “Title of Liberty,” a symbolic gesture representing their commitment to God and liberty. In response, the people gathered with fervor, donning their armor and participating in a profound covenant-making ceremony.

In this ceremony, the Nephites physically demonstrated their commitment by rending their garments. This act served as a covenant and a tangible symbol of their promise to God. They declared that if they were to transgress and abandon their faith, they wished for the Lord to do unto them as they had done to their garments—tear them apart. They intended to bind themselves to their faith and their cause so that falling away from God would mean their destruction (Alma 46:21).

Further solidifying their commitment, the covenanting Nephites cast their garments at the feet of Moroni. This dramatic gesture was an expression of their devotion to God and their willingness to face destruction if they failed to keep their promises. They declared that just as they cast their garments at Moroni’s feet to be trampled, they were willing to be defeated by their enemies should they fall into sin and abandon their sacred commitments. Their profound commitment was emblematic of their desire for unity and righteousness amidst the challenges they faced (Alma 46:22).

This covenant-making event underlined the collective resolve of Moroni’s supporters to uphold their freedoms and adhere to their religious beliefs. Their actions and symbolisms, like the rending of garments and their vocal covenants, were indicative of their dedication to protecting their people and preserving their way of life during a time of widespread unrest.

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