People at Nephi’s Garden

Curious Onlookers

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People at Nephi’s Garden

In the events surrounding Nephi’s prophecies, a group of people gathered at Nephi’s garden where they became curious onlookers to the unfolding drama. Nephi, a prophet among the Nephites, faced opposition from dissenters who sought to incite the populace against him. However, within this assembly, some individuals served as defenders of Nephi. They acknowledged his integrity and the validity of his proclamations. Among them, voices were raised, saying, “Let this man alone, for he is a good man, and those things which he saith will surely come to pass except we repent” (Helaman 8:7). This group of onlookers recognized the sincerity and truthfulness of Nephi’s message, contrasting with those who were stirred to anger and contention. Their acknowledgment of Nephi’s honesty served as a testament to his reputation and the impact of his teachings on certain individuals amidst the broader dissent.

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