People at Seezoram’s Judgment Seat

Witnesses to Judicial Events

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People at Seezoram’s Judgment Seat

The people who gathered at Seezoram’s judgment seat played a role as witnesses to a pivotal event involving the discovery of a dead judge. As described in Helaman 9:7, the gathering occurred following the execution of Nephi’s prophecy regarding the murder of Seezoram, the chief judge of the Nephites. This gathering was marked by the arrival of five men who had been sent to verify Nephi’s words. Upon reaching the judgment seat, the witnesses were struck with astonishment when they beheld the sight before them—the slain judge and the five men collapsed to the ground. Their actions and reactions were pivotal in the unfolding events that evidenced Nephi’s divine inspiration and brought to light the intricate political intrigue and corruption within their society.

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