Samuel’s Attackers

Rejectors of Samuel the Lamanite’s Message

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Samuel’s Attackers

The attackers of Samuel the Lamanite were a group of Nephites who rejected the prophetic message delivered by Samuel from atop the city wall of Zarahemla. Their actions are recorded during a period of heightened tension and spiritual conflict. As Samuel testified of Christ’s coming and called the people to repentance, many grew angry and hostile. These individuals hurled stones and shot arrows at Samuel as he stood upon the wall, yet they were unable to harm him. The Spirit of the Lord protected him, ensuring that their efforts were futile (Helaman 16:2).

Frustrated by their inability to silence Samuel through force, the disbelieving crowd turned to their leaders, insisting that Samuel be captured. They accused him of being possessed by a devil, reasoning that it was this demonic power that prevented them from hitting him. In their view, Samuel’s survival and resilience in the face of their attacks were evidence not of divine protection but of sinister influence. Thus, they called upon their captains, urging them to seize and bind Samuel to remove him from the city (Helaman 16:6). These actions reflect the deep spiritual division and hardening of hearts among many Nephites who refused to accept the divine message Samuel bore.

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