Scripture Author

Anonymous Prophet Quoted by Moroni

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Scripture Author

The anonymous prophet quoted by Moroni is a figure whose words are preserved in the Book of Mormon, though his identity remains unrevealed. Moroni, the last prophet of the Nephite record, chose to include the words of this prophet in his writings. This prophet’s declarations emphasize two key themes: divine judgment and the enduring covenant of the Lord with His people. In Mormon 8:20, he articulates the principle that “judgment is mine, saith the Lord,” highlighting that the authority to judge and to enact vengeance belongs solely to God, and not to mankind. This underscores a warning against human attempts to usurp divine prerogatives.

Additionally, in Mormon 8:21, the prophet issues a stern warning against those who oppose the Lord’s work and the covenants made with the house of Israel. He declares that those who “breathe out wrath and strifes” and seek to destroy God’s work will face dire consequences, likened to being “hewn down and cast into the fire.” This cautionary teaching serves to remind the covenant people of God, as well as their adversaries, of the unbreakable promises the Lord has made and the futility of attempting to thwart His divine purposes. Thus, the words of this anonymous prophet, as preserved by Moroni, serve as a timeless reminder of divine justice and the enduring nature of God’s covenant with His people.

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