Zarahemla Brethren

Naysayers in Zarahemla

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Zarahemla Brethren

The term “Naysayers in Zarahemla” refers to those individuals who initially expressed skepticism regarding the mission of the sons of Mosiah to convert the Lamanites. When the sons of Mosiah announced their intention to journey to the land of Nephi and preach the gospel to their Lamanite brethren, they faced significant doubt and ridicule from many of their fellow inhabitants in Zarahemla. These skeptics questioned the wisdom and potential success of the mission, expressing disbelief that the hardened Lamanites could be swayed or changed by the teachings of the gospel. Alma 26:23 records this sentiment, where the sons of Mosiah recall how their brethren in Zarahemla “laughed us to scorn” upon hearing their plan. Despite this initial lack of support, the sons of Mosiah remained steadfast in their purpose and ultimately achieved great success in their mission, leading to many Lamanites embracing their message and experiencing a profound change of heart.

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