Mission to the Lamanites

Departure and Separation

Alma 17:5–8
The sons of Mosiah leave Zarahemla and travel through the wilderness towards the land of Nephi, where the Lamanites live.
Alma 17:9–12
The missionaries prepare themselves spiritually, and are assured by the Lord that they will be effective.
Alma 17:14–16
The missionaries want to bring the Lamanites to repentance.
Alma 17:13, 17
The missionaries arrive at the Lamanite borders, where they split up and go their separate ways.

Ammon’s Arrival in Ishmael

Alma 17:18–19
Having separated himself from the others, Ammon travels alone to a land called Ishmael.
Alma 17:19–21
Lamanite guards, upon seeing Ammon, apprehend him, and bring him to their king, a man named Lamoni.
Alma 17:22–23
Lamoni asks Ammon if he intends to live among the Lamanites; Ammon says he does.
Alma 17:24
Lamoni, impressed with Ammon, frees him and offers one his daughters to him.
Alma 17:25
Ammon refuses, but instead offers to be Lamoni’s servant.

Ammon and the King’s Flocks

Alma 17:26
Three days later, Ammon is charged with tending Lamoni’s flocks at a watering spot called Sebus.
Alma 17:27
On the way to the watering spot, Ammon runs into some other Lamanites who had been watering their flocks; they maliciously scatter Lamoni’s flocks.
Alma 18:7
Scattering flocks was a common practice among competing Lamanite groups; it was means of obtaining the resources of the others.
Alma 17:28–29
Ammon’s co–servants begin crying over the scattered flocks.
Alma 18:6
Prior to this, other servants had been sentenced to death for allowing flocks to be scattered.
Alma 17:29–30
Ammon, seeing an opportunity to gain trust and respect, gets very excited.
Alma 17:31–32
Ammon encourages the other servants to join him in rounding up the flocks.
Alma 17:32
Ammon and the servants gather all the flocks.
Alma 17:33
The hostiles who scattered the flock initially return; Ammon tells the servants to encircle the flocks as he goes to confront them.
Alma 17:34
Ammon steps up to the hostile band of Lamanites.
Alma 17:35
The hostile Lamanites, unaware of Ammon’s divine commission, are not afraid.
Alma 17:36
Ammon begins attacking, and strikes a few of the hostiles with his sling; the survivors charge at him in retaliation.
Alma 17:37
As the gang members approach Ammon to hit him, he slices off their arms; the hostiles run away in fear after seeing this.
Alma 17:38
Six hostiles are knocked out with the sling, their leader is killed with a sword, and many dismembered arms remain.
Alma 17:39
With the conflict over, Ammon brings the king’s flocks back to the pastures, carrying the severed arms of the attackers.

King Lamoni’s Reaction

Alma 18:1–2
King Lamoni hears about what happened, and is clearly impressed—he wonders if Ammon isn’t “the Great Spirit”.
Alma 18:5
Lamoni’s religious traditions had taught him about a “Great Spirit”.
Alma 18:3
The servants don’t know what kind of man Ammon is—all they know is he is friendly and has great power.
Alma 18:4
Lamoni is convinced that Ammon must be the Great Spirit.
Alma 18:8
Lamoni asks where Ammon is.
Alma 18:9
The servants reply that Ammon is preparing the kings horses and chariots.
Alma 18:10–11
Lamoni is additionally impressed that Ammon remembered and executed all of his tasks.

Lamoni’s Interrogation

Alma 18:12
Ammon, having finished his jobs, returns to the king.
Alma 18:12–13
He notices the king’s strange facial expression and begins to leave, but a servant tell him the king wants him to stay.
Alma 18:14
Ammon asks the king what he can do for him; the king remains silent for an awkwardly long period of time.
Alma 18:15
Ammon again asks what the king wants of him.
Alma 18:16–17
Ammon, reading the king’s mind, asks if the king is in awe because of the incident at Sebus; he then reaffirms that he is the king’s servant.
Alma 18:18
The king, again impressed by Ammon, asks him if he is the Great Spirit.
Alma 18:19
Ammon says that he is not.
Alma 18:20–21
The king asks how he could read his mind, and how he could have the power to fend off the hostiles like he did.

Ammon’s Teachings

Alma 18:22
Ammon asks the king if he will believe him if he tells him.
Alma 18:23
The king agrees to believe anything Ammon says.
Alma 18:24
Ammon asks Lamoni if he believes that God exists.
Alma 18:25
Lamoni does not understand.
Alma 18:26
Ammon asks Lamoni if he believes that a Great Spirit exists.
Alma 18:27
Lamoni says he does.
Alma 18:28
Ammon explains that the Great Spirit is God, then asks him if he believes in the divine creation of earth and heaven.
Alma 18:29
Lamoni believes in the creation of earth, but does not know what heaven is.
Alma 18:30
Ammon explains that heaven is the place where God lives.
Alma 18:31
Lamoni asks if it is above the earth.
Alma 18:32
Ammon says yes, that God looks down on his creation from above.
Alma 18:33
Lamoni believes Ammon, and asks if Ammon is sent by God.
Alma 18:34–35
Ammon confesses he is just a man, but he was called of God and has access to the Holy Spirit.
Alma 18:36
Ammon proceeds to teach Lamoni about the creation of earth, the Fall of Adam, the chronology of the world. and the history of Israel.
Alma 18:37–39
Ammon also goes through the history of the Lehite colony, and teaches the doctrine of Christ.

Lamoni’s Conversion

Alma 18:40–41
The king believes all of Ammon’s teachings and begins to pray for mercy.
Alma 18:42
Upon praying, he drops down flat on the ground.
Alma 18:43
He is carried away to his wife, and for two days people mourn over over him as if he were dead.
Alma 19:1
The king’s subjects begin preparations for embalming and burial.

Ammon and the Queen

Alma 19:2–3
The queen summons Ammon.
Alma 19:4–5
The queen tells Ammon that she has heard that he is a prophet and she asks to go see the king, who she suspects is still alive.
Alma 19:6–7
Ammon, pleased at the queen’s request, obeys.
Alma 19:8–9
Ammon assures the queen that the king is not dead, but only sleeping; he asks if the queen believes this.
Alma 19:10
The queen acknowledges she has only Ammon’s word to rely upon, but believes nonetheless.
Alma 19:11
Ammon praises the queen for her faith.

The King’s Household’s Conversion

Alma 19:11
The queen waits with the king until morning: the time Ammon said he would arise.
Alma 19:12
In the morning, the king gets up, and proclaims his conversion and knowledge of his Redeemer.
Alma 19:13
He falls down again, this time out of joy— the queen does the same.
Alma 19:14
Ammon, seeing the effect of the power of God, falls on his knees, offering a prayer of gratitude.
Alma 19:15–16
The entire household follows suit, all except for one woman, Abish, who had been spiritually converted on her own some time earlier.

Abish and the Onlookers

Alma 19:17
With the entire royal household prostrate on the ground, Abish runs out and tells everyone around.
Alma 19:18
A crowd gathers in the king’s house and the sees everyone lying on the ground.
Alma 19:19–21
Some onlookers speculate that some evil had possessed everyone because Ammon had been permitted to stay while others say it is punishment for the execution orders previously issued by the king.
Alma 19:22–24
The brother of the man killed by Ammon was among them. He sees Ammon, and seeking revenge, draws his sword, and suddenly, to the fear of all the onlookers, he drops dead before he is able to strike.
Alma 19:25
The people agree that Ammon was sent by the Great Spirit.
Alma 19:26–28
Others disagree, claiming that Ammon is a Nephite monster, sent to torment the Lamanites because of their evils.

Expanded Conversion

Alma 19:28–29
Abish comes back and, saddened by the disagreements, goes up to the queen, and helps her up—the queen praises Jesus, and announces her conversion.
Alma 19:30–32
The queen raises the king, and they begin to teach the words of Ammon to the disagreeing people.
Alma 19:33–34
Ammon and the other servants also get up, and begin teaching the gospel to all the onlookers.
Alma 19:35
The teaching is effective; baptisms and the formation of a church ensue.
Alma 19:36
The work among the Lamanites went forth from then on.

Ammon and Lamoni’s Plan

Alma 20:1
Some time after the establishment of the church, Lamoni suggests they go meet his father in the land of Nephi.
Alma 20:2
The Lord warns Ammon not to go to the land of Nephi and informs him that his brothers are in prison in Middoni, and are in need of deliverance.
Alma 20:3
Ammon tells Lamoni that they need to go to Middoni to free his brothers.
Alma 20:4
Lamoni agrees, and notes that the leader of Middoni is his friend, and will likely cooperate with his demands.
Alma 20:4
Lamoni then asks how Ammon knew that his brothers were in prison.
Alma 20:5
Ammon replies that God told him.
Alma 20:6
Lamoni orders that his horses and chariots be prepared.
Alma 20:7
Lamoni summons Ammon, and they begin their trip.

Encounter with Lamoni’s Father

Alma 20:8–10
On their way to Middoni, Lamoni and Ammon randomly cross paths with Lamoni’s father, who asks Lamoni why he hadn’t come to a planned feast, and why he is traveling with a Nephite.
Alma 20:11–12
Lamoni tells his father what is going on.
Alma 20:13
His father is angry, and scolds him for associating with a Nephite.
Alma 20:14
Lamoni’s father orders Lamoni to kill Ammon, and go home.
Alma 20:15
Lamoni refuses to kill Ammon, and states his intent of rescuing Ammon’s brothers in Middoni.
Alma 20:16
Lamoni’s father, furious at the insubordination, draws his sword, ready to strike Lamoni.
Alma 20:17–18
Ammon tells Lamoni’s father not to hurt Lamoni, but says that Lamoni is prepared for death anyway, he having been converted to the Lord.
Alma 20:19
Lamoni’s father confesses Lamoni’s innocence.
Alma 20:20
Lamoni’s father turns his anger to Ammon, and is about to strike him, when Ammon incapacitates Lamoni’s father by striking his arm.
Alma 20:21–22
Lamoni’s father begs for his life to be spared; Ammon agrees to spare it only if they are allowed to go to Middoni to rescue his brothers.
Alma 20:23
Lamoni’s father agrees, and even throws in a bonus of ownership over up to half his kingdom.
Alma 20:24–25
Ammon recaps the terms of his brothers release and Lamoni’s kingship and freedom.
Alma 20:26–27
Lamoni’s father is impressed with Ammon, sees that he had no desire to hurt him, and complies with the terms,becomming curious about the things Ammon had taught Lamoni.

Ammon’s Brothers’ Release from Prison

Alma 20:28
Ammon and Lamoni go to Middoni, and are successful in negotiating Ammon’s brothers’ release.
Alma 20:29–30
Ammon meets his brothers, who are battered and beaten from abuse in prison—they had not had the good fortunes Ammon had enjoyed in his preaching.

The Church’s Establishment in Ishmael

Alma 21:18
Ammon and Lamoni leave Aaron and his brothers, and return to Ishmael.
Alma 21:19–20
Ammon is promoted from servant status and synagogues and churches are built throughout the land of Ishmael.
Alma 21:21–22
Lamoni is happy in declaring to the people that they are free to worship as they please.
Alma 21:23
Ammon is their religious teacher, he encourages the people to live the gospel faithfully.

Merger with the Anti–Nephi–Lehites

Alma 24:5–6
In Midian, Ammon meets up with Aaron and his other brothers and their new converts, who are known as the Anti–Nephi–Lehites; The Anti–Nephi–Lehites are being targeted and threatened by those Lamanites who did not convert.
Alma 24:7–16
The king of the Anti–Nephi–Lehites speaks to his people about their conversion and their vows never to fight again.
Alma 24:17–18
The Anti–Nephi–Lehites bury their weapons into the ground, promising never to pick them up again.
Alma 24:19
The Anti–Nephi–Lehites are an illustration of firm faithfulness.

Unbelieving Citizen Revolt, Attack and Conversion

Alma 24:20
The unconverted Lamanites begin a coup against the converted king and his subjects.
Alma 24:21–22
The converts, having made an oath not to fight, helplessly fall to the ground and are massacred by the insurgents.
Alma 24:23–24
Many insurgent soldiers, upon seeing the how the believers sacrifice themselves unresisted, are deeply moved, and cease the strike.
Alma 24:25
Guilt–ridden by their merciless acts of war, the soldiers repent, and decide to join the converts.
Alma 24:26–27
Over a thousand soldiers follow suit, and the number of soldier converts exceeds the number of casualties.
Alma 24:28–30
The most hardened warriors were the Amalekites and the Amulonites (Nephite dissenters) who do not join the converts.

Strike on Ammonihah

Alma 25:1
The remaining Lamanites are angry that they had to revert to killing the converted Lamanites, and shift their attention to revenge against the Nephites.
Alma 25:2–3
The Lamanite militants attack the Nephite city of Ammonihah, destroy it, and take captives.

Increased Growth of the Church

Alma 27:1, 25:13
After the strike on Ammonihah, the Lamanites return, and many of them are converted, and join the Anti–Nephi–Lehites.
Alma 25:14
The new converts also bury their weapons as they join the people.
Alma 25:15
The converts keep the law of Moses, anticipating Christ.
Alma 25:16
They understood the purpose and place of the law of Moses, and used it to strengthen their faith in Christ.

The Joy of the Missionaries

Alma 25:17
With all the new converts, the sons of Mosiah are very happy.
Alma 26:1–9
Ammon speaks to his brothers about how blessed they have been, and rejoices in their great success.
Alma 26:10
Seeing Ammon recount all their good fortunes, Aaron challenges Ammon, suggesting he might be boasting.
Alma 26:11–37
Ammon explains he his only boasting in God, and his marvelous power and bounty.

Increased Aggression and Convert Exodus

Alma 27:2–3
The Amalekites, angry at their failed plans to overthrow the Nephites, redirect their attention to the Lamanites converts, who are again mercilessly slaughtered.
Alma 27:4–5
Ammon, seeing the horrific extermination of the converts, suggests they move up to Zarahemla with the Nephites.
Alma 27:6
The king of the Anti–Nephi–Lehites fears going to live with Nephites, knowing their tense relations in the past.
Alma 27:7
Ammon says he will pray about it; he asks the king if he will go if God commands him to do so.
Alma 27:8
The king says he will, and even consents to slavery in exchange for residence amoung the Nephites.
Alma 27:9
Ammon reassures the king that will not be necessary, explaining that slavery is illegal among the Nephites.
Alma 27:10
The king prompts Ammon to go pray about it.
Alma 27:11–13
Ammon prays, and the Lord tells him to leave the Lamanite territory and move to the Nephite land.
Alma 27:14
The Anti–Nephi–Lehites and the missionaries prepare to leave.
Alma 27:15
Ammon offers to go ahead of them, scout out the trail, and persuade the Nephites to welcome them.